Brazil Day 2

Today began with ambassadors and mentees meeting for the first time to exchange career perspectives, life stories and commitments for the coming days of mentoring. 

Throughout the discussion, the most powerful common message that emerged from participants, whether from Brazil, Mexico, Argentina or the United States, was a life-long personal and professional commitment to gender equality — and the importance of mentorship.

Participants shared stories of successful struggles to excel and to learn from failure across industries: banking, media, microfinance, legal and international trade consulting.

In the words of Fabiola Brumley, Global Commercial Banking, Southeast Region Banking executive from Bank of America and an ambassador, “Women are willing to take more risks. Failure is how we learn.”

Participants were enthusiastic in embracing the opportunity of four intensive days to learn, inspire and challenge each other; and to enhance their collective skills, abilities and talents in service of their communities and enterprises. Whether working with their mentor to reconceive their business model, scope out a new production facility or reassess their market, the mentees are all poised for success. 

“Women learn by watching other women,” observed Lesley Jane Seymour, ambassador and editor-in-chief of More magazine. “There is something very special that happens when women come together. Something unique and really transformational that is shared.”

In the afternoon session, Lina Useche Jaramillo, founder and current CEO of Aliiança Empreendedora, hosted Global Ambassador Program participants on a site visit with members of Arte e Ação. Members of Arte e Ação create accessories such as purses and wallets using PET plastic from bottles. Aliança Empreendedora assists with technical support and management guidance, and helps provide this group of artisans with skills they need to succeed.

During the site visit, members of Arte e Ação shared ideas on management, continuing education and skills crucial for economic growth for women in business. Tomorrow’s sessions will focus on the role of women as drivers of economic growth in Brazil.

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Watch the Global Ambassadors Program YouTube playlist to see our programs in action in Haiti, South Africa, India and Singapore.