The group focuses on four key community development areas: affordable housing development, economic and business development, community empowerment and cultural preservation, and neighborhood revitalization. It has partnered with the National Council of La Raza, the National Urban League and other housing advocacy and civil rights organizations to respond to the foreclosure crisis and ensure that the voices of civil rights advocates are heard as the nation considers sweeping housing and financial services reforms.
Lisa serves on the boards of the National Low Income Housing Coalition and the American Progressive Caucus Policy Foundation. She also sits on AT&T’s Consumer Advisory Council and Freddie Mac’s Affordable Housing Advisory Council. She has provided leadership for the National Council for Asian Pacific Americans for over a decade, currently on the executive committee and as the chair from 2006 through 2007. Prior to joining National CAPACD, Lisa was the community liaison for the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. She played a central role in organizing two Town Hall meetings, where hundreds of community-based organizations and individuals testified before the President's Advisory Commission on AAPIs about the critical issues facing Asian American and Pacific Islander communities across the country and in the Pacific Islands.