İdil holds a management degree from Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, and has participated in the “Positive Organizational Scholarship” studies at the University of Michigan. She completed graduate studies in psychology at Istanbul Commerce University. Following Istanbul, Yeditepe and Koç Universities, Idil is now teaching at Bogazici University.
A speaker and lecturer, İdil is also an author and consultant on culture, talent and leadership. Her first book, “Office Stories” published in 2005, was followed by a second, “Positive Management,” in 2011. In partnership with Aysun Sayin, she was one of the main editors of the Equality at Work Handbook. This year, she published “Internal Communication” and “Networking,” co-authored by Taysever.
İdil’s memberships include Arya Women Investment Platform, 30% Club, Women in Boardroom, Society of Human Resources Management, International Positive Psychology Association, BÜMED, KALİD, Common Purpose, People Management Association of Turkey and the Corporate Volunteers Association.